Spotlight on... Karolina Mielewczyk

Karolina Mielewczyk

Material Planning & Logistics

My employment within R&HA has been very dynamic since joining as a graduate just over 2 years ago.

After completing my Master’s Degree in Edinburgh, I heard about R&HA during a visit to a friend who lives in Oxford. I researched the company on the internet and I thought the scope of the services the company provided was very interesting.

R&HA were actively recruiting graduates and I decided to give it a shot. Their graduate programme presented itself as a great alternative to the other graduate jobs on the market.

Since the beginning of my career at R&HA, I have had a number of roles and been involved with a number of projects, working with the Project Team in Oxford, (implementing customer change requests) Statistics team (operational efficiency measurement and resource estimations), Interim Project Team Leader and Quality Team.

My involvement in four demanding departments has allowed me to understand ‘hands on’ how it’s the detail that matters. Careful planning, clear goals and effective communication determine our customers’ success and therefore that of R&HA.

The scope of my current position within Material Planning & Logistics Department exceeds that of any previous roles and allows me to use all the experience gained during my two years at RHA. I am learning something new every day and I feel that it is going to be the case for a long time to come.

Last year I had an opportunity to support our Darlaston operation in preparation for the successful ISO9001:2008 accreditation. Quality Management Systems and H&S are of interest to me and I recently arranged an ISO9001:2008 Managing Safety course for 12 employees across all RHA sites. I am also an ISO9001:2008 Quality Internal Auditor and I have completed Fire Marshall Training in Oxford last year.

My ‘out of work activities’ are mainly outdoor based as I have a passion for travel and love nature. My hobbies include cycling, trekking, surfing, kayaking in summer and snowboarding in winter - if I get a chance!

Another big part of my life is music, I listen to alternative and non-mainstream styles and I try not to miss an event or festival if possible.

I am passionate about the environment, human rights and animal protection and I’ve been supporting organisations such as Amnesty International, WWF, RSPCA, Dog’s Trust for many years now. I avoid buying any animal tested products. I am also a co-owner of a social enterprise in Oxford.

For personal reasons, I am registered with Anthony Nolan (and DKMS in Poland) which are blood cancer charities; I strongly encourage everyone to consider joining the bone marrow/stem cell registers.
I know it sounds like a cliché but you can literally save someone’s life!

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