Responsive JIS Process Reduces Costs, Creates Space Lineside and Provides Increased Flexibility

Responsive JIS Process Reduces Costs, Creates Space Lineside and Provides Increased Flexibility

• Double handling reduction
• Cost reduction by absorbing the extra activity using current resources
• Lineside space saving - eradicating need for half empty containers trackside
• Support build variation - enabling sudden changes in build
• Increased flexibility and improved communication

Working with customers to make their processes more effective often means looking at the bigger picture. When our customer approached us to review their supplier deliveries, the opportunity to save cost and optimise efficiencies was clear.

Although their supplier delivered the manufactured parts sequenced as instructed, our client’s unique production schedule and build change plans meant when the parts arrive, they are out of sequence. Therefore a fluid and responsive re-sequencing process was required to provide an effective flow of inventory to lineside and deliver an effective Just In Time (JIT) process.

What is JIS?
Just In Sequence (JIS) is an inventory strategy that matches JIT and complete fit in sequence with variation of assembly line production. The process concept of JIT sees buffers at the production line as waste in capital bound. The aim is to eliminate buffers as much as possible at expense of stability when disturbances arise. JIS is one of the most extreme applications of the concept, where components arrive just in time and sequenced for consumption. However, when a build schedule changes frequently and at short notice, you need to implement a dynamic JIS process to ensure the lineside is working to optimal efficiency.

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Here’s how the 360 onsite logistics audit and assessment works!

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Contact us for a FREE ‘on site' logistics audit – carried out under a non disclosure agreement - our findings will be reported in full confidence and will provide a detailed analysis of where savings and improvements can be made.

There’s only one condition - you must be UK based and be operating in the automotive sector, with a head count of around 25 - 30 or more operating in logistics roles.

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