Pick to Light improves Right First Time

Pick to Light (or PTL) order picking systems use light indicator modules mounted to shelving, pallet racking or other storage locations.

Whenever a product is needed from a particular location, the relevant indicator is automatically turned on, drawing attention where action is required. The operator then picks the product as displayed or instructed, confirming the pick by pressing a lighted button or trigger system.

As with any process change implemented by the Rudolph and Hellmann Projects team, an initial project trial and plan was scoped to provide a robust audit of the changes in performance.

After designing an efficient and logical picking process and sequence the selected PTL software, hardware and storage methodology was implemented.

The trail of the new picking process was conducted in a real-time environment, utilising the older picking process as back up. The overall benefits saw increased efficiency, improved picking accuracy and the potential removal of a secondary inspection process.

Within a month all associated picking activity for the one product type had been completely transferred to the new PTL process.

Based upon the success of this implementation of ‘PTL’ Rudolph and Hellmann, in partnership with the OEM customer, are now planning to roll-out the application of this new technology within other areas of their logistics operation.

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