Mathew Simister

Mathew Simister

It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself to you, I am Mathew Simister.

I am 41 years old, married with 2 lovely daughters aged 6yrs and 4yrs. My hobbies include activities like walking and days out with my family, computers and new technologies, I am also a keen runner and have been running for over 10 years which includes road, trail and mountain running.

Last year I ran 14 marathons and 6 ultra marathons alone raising money for local charities. For the last 7 years I have been working for a local company called International Paper Foodservices where I worked in the warehouse controlling the SAP stock control and the running of a large paper cutting machine, previous to this I was a quality control supervisor for a large international food chain supplier which was a challenging and rewarding role.

I am excited about joining Rudolph and Hellmann Automotive and working for a successful and hardworking team whilst learning new skills.

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Here’s how the 360 onsite logistics audit and assessment works!

Put us to the test, what have you got to lose?

Contact us for a FREE ‘on site' logistics audit – carried out under a non disclosure agreement - our findings will be reported in full confidence and will provide a detailed analysis of where savings and improvements can be made.

There’s only one condition - you must be UK based and be operating in the automotive sector, with a head count of around 25 - 30 or more operating in logistics roles.

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