How can more activity result in reduced cost and greater efficiency?

Of all the space in any automotive manufacturing facility the premium space is always line side. Core to the manufacturing tracks performance is a need for the right part to be available at the moment it is required. With the complexity of automotive production today, and the potential for every car being built to a different specification, this space has never been more valuable.

So how can this space be optimised?

Splitting palletised goods isn’t new and it increases activity so, how can implementing a ‘splitting process’ optimise the space used and its effectiveness? The key is to incorporate it within an existing core activity, this means pallets aren’t getting handled more times, just more effectively.

Trackside space is used more efficiently and production workers are more effective

Splitting is where a host pallet containing any number of sub-containers (anywhere between 1 and 30 typically) is put into a storage location and then, instead of the whole pallet being picked, the individual sub containers are picked and delivered. This ‘Just-In-Time’ smaller delivery means parts can be taken to the specific area trackside, often closer than the whole pallet could be located. It also gives the added flexibility of parts to be delivered in sequential order, for instance coloured mirror caps for the different cars on the production line.

It’s no good being more efficient if it isn’t more effective

Looking outside the area contracted enables the big picture to be seen. The Rudolph and Hellmann Automotive team believe true partnership only emerges when the fringes of operational responsibilities are areas viewed as collaborative opportunities.

  • More physical space at line side with less pallets being stored there
  • Just-In-Time smaller deliveries to specific points cuts operative movement
  • Pre sequencing made production workers more effective

Without this ‘collaborative viewpoint’ and always seeking a better way, these changes would never have been realised.

Do your current on-site automotive logistics operations look beyond their contractual obligations?

With a dedication to partnership working and continual process improvement the Rudolph and Hellmann COST reduction team are the most experienced group of individuals specialising in on-site automotive logistics in the UK, possibly Europe. With a discreet audit their experience will enable you to confirm any inefficiencies within your operation and reveal those hidden costs which strip-out profit from your bottom line.

How much is this service?

The ‘on site logistics’ audit is FREE, can be carried out discreetly and will provide you with a benchmark percentage rating against what is achievable through better allocation and deployment of your current infrastructure.

There is no substitute for experience, and we don’t have consultants!

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Here’s how the 360 onsite logistics audit and assessment works!

Put us to the test, what have you got to lose?

Contact us for a FREE ‘on site' logistics audit – carried out under a non disclosure agreement - our findings will be reported in full confidence and will provide a detailed analysis of where savings and improvements can be made.

There’s only one condition - you must be UK based and be operating in the automotive sector, with a head count of around 25 - 30 or more operating in logistics roles.

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