Going the extra mile to exhaust all resources

One aspect of modern automotive manufacturing is the continual need to streamline processes through improved parts sequencing so that line feeds and activity are optimised.

Just-in-time delivery of exhausts to the production line

Driving down manufacturing costs enables automotive producers to remain competitive and ultimately secures the employment of the majority of the direct workforce. Using an external ‘on-site’ logistics provider can highlight inefficiencies in working practices which are difficult for a manufacturer to resolve without it being outsourced.

The difference between an overhead and an activity based cost

Where the sequencing of parts, such as exhausts, can streamline the production line operations it presents other logistical challenges. Exhausts are large, awkward and difficult to handle so when asked to refine and optimise the line feed Rudolph and Hellmann Automotive were well aware of the challenges involved. Warehouse space needed to be sourced, operating systems needed to be implemented and dependable transportation loops were needed to ensure just-in-time delivery. Plus, all of this needed to be an activity based cost and not an overhead.

Immediate costs savings

Because the automotive manufacturer outsourced this activity they had several benefits; their production line ran more effectively, it released space line side, and their costs were more transparent. Activity based cost meant their costs were in direct relation to the production output, giving flexibility in place of fixed employee costs which remain the same regardless of volume.

Creative solutions to automotive manufacturing challenges

With a dedication to partnership working and continual process improvement the Rudolph and Hellmann COST reduction team are the most experienced group of individuals specialising in on-site automotive logistics in the UK, possibly Europe. With a discreet audit their experience will enable you to confirm any inefficiencies within your operation and reveal those hidden costs which strip-out profit from your bottom line.

How much is this service?

The ‘on site logistics’ audit is FREE, can be carried out discreetly and will provide you with a benchmark percentage rating against what is achievable through better allocation and deployment of your current infrastructure.

There is no substitute for experience, and we don’t have consultants!

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Here’s how the 360 onsite logistics audit and assessment works!

Put us to the test, what have you got to lose?

Contact us for a FREE ‘on site' logistics audit – carried out under a non disclosure agreement - our findings will be reported in full confidence and will provide a detailed analysis of where savings and improvements can be made.

There’s only one condition - you must be UK based and be operating in the automotive sector, with a head count of around 25 - 30 or more operating in logistics roles.

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