Customer centric manufacturing
23rd October 2023
Helping manufacturers shift their production and manufacturing processes to a customer centric business strategy.
Production logistics and built to order manufacturing
The new interconnected world, where consumers can choose from a wide range of options and have their product built to order has changed the demands on production logistics. Born from the need to provide personalisation, means the line between customer and creator is becoming blurred. This fundamental shift in the way manufacturing businesses operate adds greater pressure on the economics of production logistics. As new entrants take advantage of technology to gain a competitive advantage, incumbent manufacturers have the challenge of migrating their people and processes to a more agile production methodology - or face the consequences.
Customer centric manufacturing Agile manufacturing
Customer centric manufacturing requires a shift in business strategy to put the customer’s needs first (i.e. making what they want to buy, not selling what you make). This goes hand in hand with agile manufacturing. This manufacturing methodology places extreme focus on rapid response to the customer – turning speed and agility into a key competitive advantage. Although for many manufacturers, this may seem a step too far, it has been the way in automotive manufacturing for decades. With the advancement of digitisation in manufacturing, the path towards consumer-driven manufacturing across other sectors is accelerating. Today’s connected world has given the customer far more involvement in the brand-customer relationship. B2B buyers are increasingly digital natives – they do a lot of research online, comparing offerings and defining their expectations of what brands should deliver. This means customer expectations will continue to be influenced by transformational consumer experiences coming from the B2C sector.
The manufacturing industry must adapt
The world is changing, and the manufacturing industry has to adapt accordingly. The consumer-to-manufacturer model is reshaping the production industry. Instead of approaching consumers with their ready-made goods, companies can react to proven, consolidated, consumer-driven demand and thereby offer tailored products at lower prices. Technological advancements paired with dedicated software that enables communication among workpieces, machines, and people. Creating autonomous production processes, allowing for faster product delivery, through enhance assembly, maintenance, and logistics operations.
Helping you adapt is where we can help
Working with manufacturers in the UK automotive supply chain, we've faced with a unique combination of challenges, whether workforce, compliance, sustainability, or technological. We have the answers and change management experience, to help you successfully adapt to the changes in your manufacturing sector. Turn change into an advantage and rethink how 'production logistics' can become your strategic advantage.
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Here’s how the 360 onsite logistics audit and assessment works!
Put us to the test, what have you got to lose?
Contact us for a FREE ‘on site' logistics audit – carried out under a non disclosure agreement - our findings will be reported in full confidence and will provide a detailed analysis of where savings and improvements can be made.
There’s only one condition - you must be UK based and be operating in the automotive sector, with a head count of around 25 - 30 or more operating in logistics roles.