7 Benefits of outsourcing your onsite manufacturing logistics
26th February 2024
Onsite manufacturing logistics is one area consistently overlooked when it comes to innovation and profitability - but it could be your strategic advantage.
What is onsite manufacturing logistics?
All too often onsite logistics is not really understood, mention logistics and most people will think lorry movements. Onsite manufacturing logistics covers everything from managing inbound goods, assembly operations pre-line feed, to line feed activities, reverse packaging and outbound logistics. These are the operations which ensure smooth production supply in manufacturing plants.
How can outsourcing your onsite manufacturing logistics benefit your business?
1 - It makes you leaner and more competitive
Logistics-oriented manufacturing strategies involve decisions that have long-term implications. They provide a competitive advantage that, unlike pricing or other actions, is hard for competitors to duplicate.
2 – Provides access to experts
As onsite logistics providers, we are specialists in our field and have the knowledge, experience, and technology to optimise your internal processes. By partnering with us, you can benefit from our expertise and stay updated with the latest industry trends.
3 - Fixed costs that flex in your favour
What if you only carried the overhead for minimum capacity, and paid as you go at an agreed fixed rate when production exceeds this volume? With access to the best people, best systems, best negotiators—and only pay for them as and when you need them. This is called adaptive logistics and R&HA pioneered this in the UK - we call it stop-start logistics.
4 - Working to KPI's means everything gets measured
KPIs are targets that help you measure our performance and chart progress against your most strategic objectives. Measurement is an essential management tool, as it helps us determine if our intervention is making an impact. It demonstrates value, manage resources, and focuses on improvement efforts.
5 - Continual improvement
Innovation through process improvement means striving to deliver the best manufacturing operation through optimised and lean production processes. Measurably reducing production cost and improving quality. As well as lower costs, faster production times, and higher profitability, innovation of manufacturing processes can also provide significant additional benefits.
6 - Reducing the environmental impact of your manufacturing
The rise of environmental, social, and governance factors is growing across all industries. Optimisation of your onsite logistics can help you become leaner and greener through a systematic approach to identifying waste and reducing consumption.
7 – Enables you to focus on your core business
In a perfect scenario, industrial and manufacturing businesses could focus their efforts solely on creating high quality products and increasing their profits through innovation. Outsourcing to a trusted logistics specialist, means you get peace of mind that your operations are in good hands, and you get to focus time and resources on other parts of your business.
We can help you identify and actively drive out cost
It's important to note, we're not consultants. However, the first step is to understand your product and logistics operations, your customers, and your biggest headaches. Then we provide an objective analysis, ROI cost projections, and if our solutions are implemented - we guarantee you’ll achieve the agreed cost saving, or we pay!
R&HA are the UK's leading onsite automotive logistics provider. We specialise in the design and implementation of agile logistics solutions for OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers. If you have between 20 to 30 people working in logistics roles, we're confident we can help you make savings.
Our 360 onsite logistics audit & assessment will do more than provide cost reductions, it will highlight the savings in space, resource, time, plus address any other issues we've identified, or you have raised. Whether you're driving the change to become leaner, greener, or for greater flexibility; or the changes are being dictated to you. We'll help you develop a robust project plan to manage the changes and challenges ahead.
All too often consultants design a solution for an ideal world, but not practical for a busy manufacturing environment. Which is why we provide solutions with options, share the risk, and give you a performance guarantee.
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Here’s how the 360 onsite logistics audit and assessment works!
Put us to the test, what have you got to lose?
Contact us for a FREE ‘on site' logistics audit – carried out under a non disclosure agreement - our findings will be reported in full confidence and will provide a detailed analysis of where savings and improvements can be made.
There’s only one condition - you must be UK based and be operating in the automotive sector, with a head count of around 25 - 30 or more operating in logistics roles.